Monday, February 8, 2016


This is the beginning of the New Year and it is usual for people to start up their dream boards and yearly goals. While brainstorming on the direction that I wanted my life to take this year, I began to get overwhelmed with the amount of things that I had already committed myself to. I stopped and asked myself one of the most important questions that I have ever evaluated… “Am I wasting my time? And if not, is all that I am involved in a burden or benefit?”
Life has a way of demanding so much of our time, and if we are not careful we easily find ourselves struggling to keep up with an overwhelming load. Whether it was pressure or voluntarily, we love the idea of being busy, but struggle with the reality of expounding the effort.Some may delegate the blame to some false reality that they “HAD” to do it, when the truth is that we all have CHOICE. I was always taught that most often, “People are exactly where they want to be.”
Time is one of the most precious assets that every human being has. It is the one and only things that can’t be compounded, saved, reinvested, or given more of. The simplest example of this is the local hair dresser who charges $15 for a haircut and another that charge $25. The difference of the two is the one that values their time, and perhaps have even spent more time sharpening their craft. Both in this example most likely have a different perspective on how much they think their time is worth, and how well they will manage the time they have. Once we begin to put more value on our time, we LITERALLY begin to reevaluate the things that we give our time away to!
Looking at your life at this very moment, ask yourself, “Has my time been invested in things that burden or benefit my life?” Think of your job, business, ministry, nonprofits, etc and be honest with yourself about the time that you’re spending in any of them and evaluate what it is doing to cultivate your life. James 4:14 reads, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” Embracing this scripture, we see that time is the MOST valuable thing that we have. You can’t get it back or save it up…So make it worthwhile!!!

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