Tuesday, February 16, 2016

5 Ways Church Attendance Impacts Your Marriage and Children

In a culture where many people are offended with church or feel like it does not serve them well, research continues to prove that attending church regularly helps  people’s marriages and children greatly.  Below I will share some of the ways church attendance can be a blessing for you!

1. Church helps create routine- Children thrive on routine and structure. Church helps your whole family develop a weekly routine with something to plan for and look forward to weekly.

2. Church helps create traditions- What keeps a society going are traditions and cultures. When you attend church with your family, certain traditions such as prayer, worship, Christmas and other christian holidays are encouraged and and therefore continue to in your family tradition.

3.Church serves as a support system for your marriage- According to a University of Michigan Study, couples who attend church together tend to have happier marriages. There are several reasons for this including the reasons mentioned above, as well as having a support system to encourage you to keep going when things get tough.

4. Church helps you develop a legacy of God for your family- In a really busy world, attending church helps your family have time to connect with God through prayer, worship and fellowship. Make sure your church has a good kids program where the children are also learning the word of God.

5.Church provides friendships- If you are in a good and healthy church, hopefully there are different groups for men and women. These types of groups help provide an outlet away from your spouse. Couples that have friends and can get away form their spouse from time to time tend to have healthier marriages.

There are countless other benefits of a attending church with your family. It’s  not enough just to attend church though, make sure you get involved and plugged into different ministries and be sure to connect your kids with other kids. It will be a blessing for your whole family.

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