Tuesday, February 9, 2016


A mistake repeated more than once is a decision”.
This is a quote from Paulo Coelho I recently stumbled across.
So apropos, so spot on, and so simple.
There has been a rash of nonsense in this forum lately. It drained and frustrated me. It made me angry and sad. Those who witnessed it, know what it is.
But it comes down to some people who are unwilling to spend time in self-reflection, and an inability to change mindsets and effect positive change in their own lives.
It shows a depth of ignorance, a stubbornness, and a wildly exaggerated sense of self-importance. A glaring absence of EQ (emotional quotient), and an anchoring to self defeating and harmful attitudes and behaviors.
It shows an unwillingness to grow, to change, to evolve. Let’s call it “Cavewoman Syndrome” or CS for short.
The common denominator in every bad situation for a person with CS, is themselves. They are the one and only constant. Everything else is a variable. The saddest part of this syndrome is that it is curable-but the patient is both the problem, the cause, and the only one preventing (and standing in the way of) the cure.
That is not only sad, it is stupid and condemns one to a life of misery, that is lacking fulfillment and real meaningful relationships.
I don’t have patience for people who choose to be stupid. Sorry, but I don’t. I am not talking about a moment of stupidity, we all have those. But a mistake repeated more than once is a decision!!
Many of you will get this. But some will sit there scratching their heads, blaming the world at large for every lousy thing that continues to happen in their lives.
If you are unhappy, the best thing you can do is look at the one and only person in your control….Yourself.
What behaviors/thoughts/attitudes/pre-conceived ideas are stale and harmful, and need to change?
It is the only real way to revolutionize your life and how you live it.

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